AWN Consulting's Brand Evolution

Our brand’s evolution marks a significant step in solidifying our position as Ireland’s leading provider of environmental consultancy. With the global resources of Trinity Consultants (2,000 staff worldwide) at our disposal, adopting the Trinity Consultants logo and the contemporary ‘seafoam’ green colour palette represents the next phase in our journey.

Ireland's Premier Multidisciplinary Environmental Consultancy

AWN Consulting is a multidisciplinary environmental consultancy that provides environmental, air quality, acoustics, and risk management services to industrial and public sector clients throughout Ireland and in Europe. As a subsidiary of Trinity Consulting Inc., a prominent US-based multinational environmental consultancy, AWN is at the forefront of industry expertise. AWN comprises more than sixty experienced environmental consultants and engineers as well as field technicians and administrative staff.

Our team is among the most experienced environmental teams in Ireland. We cater to a diverse range of public and private client sectors, including Fortune 500 inward investors, manufacturing, distribution, pharmaceuticals/biopharmaceuticals, residential developments, and major infrastructure.

Our Services

Building Acoustics

Realise sustainability and noise mitigation goals through design, acoustic, and modelling services.


Achieve environmental compliance and climate goals through assessment and permitting support.

Soil, Water & Ecology

Understand surface and subsurface regulations and resources through assessments and expert support.

Waste Management

Manage waste processes and compliance safely with comprehensive design and plan support.

COMAH, Seveso & Risk Management

Manage environmental and health risks through modelling, assessment, and regulatory compliance.