Dr. Edward Porter is responsible for the Air Quality & Climate team in AWN Consulting. He holds a BSc(Hons) from the University of Sussex (Department of Chemistry), has completed a PhD in Environmental Chemistry (Air Quality) in UCD, a Full Member of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (MIEnvSc), a Full Member of the Institute of Air Quality Managements (MIAQM) and is a Chartered Chemist (C Chem MRSC). He is lead author of the EPA publication “Air Dispersion Modelling from Industrial Installations Guidance Note (AG4)” and has peered reviewed the NRA Air Quality Guidelines (NRA, 2006). He specialises in the fields of ambient air quality, odour assessment, climate impacts and air dispersion modelling. A key focus of the air department is achieving savings in compliance costs, particularly emission monitoring costs, through scientific arguments and detailed assessment of technical issues.