Seveso COMAH Compliance

Operators of COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) establishments are required to prepare and implement a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and a Safety Management System (SMS). These ensure that major accident hazards are adequately controlled while providing a high level of protection for human health and the environment. At AWN Consulting, we offer expert support to operators in meeting these regulatory requirements effectively and efficiently.

Our services are tailored to assist COMAH operators at every stage of compliance, from initial determination of COMAH status through to the preparation of safety reports and emergency response plans.

Determination of COMAH Status

AWN can assist operators in determining their COMAH status by evaluating the inventory of hazardous substances on site against Seveso III Directive thresholds. This ensures operators fully understand their regulatory obligations, whether they fall under the lower-tier or upper-tier COMAH requirements.

Preparation of Notification Documents

For establishments subject to COMAH regulations, we support the preparation of notification documents. These documents provide the relevant authorities with critical information about the establishment, including the nature of activities, hazardous materials present, and measures taken to prevent major accidents.

MAPP and SMS Development

AWN assists in the preparation of a robust Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and Safety Management System (SMS). We work closely with operators to develop operational and emergency response procedures, ensuring that all major accident hazards are controlled effectively. Additionally, we help design management systems that monitor process safety performance indicators, enabling ongoing assessment and improvement of safety practices.

HAZID Studies and Quantitative Risk Assessment

We facilitate HAZID (Hazard Identification) studies to systematically identify potential major accident hazards. This includes consequence modelling to assess the potential impact of major accident scenarios, frequency analysis to evaluate likelihood, and quantitative risk assessments (QRA) to quantify overall risks. Our structured approach ensures all hazards are identified, analysed, and mitigated appropriately.

Safety Report Preparation

For upper-tier COMAH establishments, AWN supports the development of safety reports. These detailed reports demonstrate that operators have implemented all necessary measures to prevent major accidents and limit their consequences. Safety reports are developed in compliance with regulatory requirements and include risk assessments, safety management systems, and emergency response strategies.

Emergency Response Plan Preparation

We assist operators in preparing robust emergency response plans to minimise the consequences of major accidents. These plans outline clear procedures for effective response, ensuring the safety of employees, the public, and the environment in the event of an incident.

Significant Modification Assessments

AWN provides expert guidance on significant modifications to COMAH establishments. We assess proposed changes to processes, operations, or facilities to ensure compliance with COMAH regulations and maintain effective risk controls.

Through our comprehensive range of services, AWN Consulting helps operators of COMAH establishments achieve full compliance with regulatory obligations, effectively manage major accident hazards, and protect human health and the environment.
