Pat Groves

Pat Groves (BSc, HDip EIA HDip Env Eng MSc Env. Hydrogeology) is a Principal Hydrogeological Consultant with the Water Team at AWN, with over 18 years’ experience in the field of environmental sciences including hydrogeology, soils, geology, geotechnical engineering, and impact assessment. His role at AWN includes responsibility for groundwater related projects including groundwater resource management and assessment, aquifer characterisation and source protection plans, groundwater modelling, hydrogeology and geology in EIAR. He is involved in project managing IPPC groundwater monitoring sites, contaminated land assessments, and had a past advisory role for the EPA National WFD Groundwater Monitoring Programme. His experience also includes the provision of hydrogeological conceptual site models (CSM) and ArcGIS mapping. Pat is member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group).